Second Mom Family Day Care
San Mateo, CA 94403 LIC # 414002061
  • About
    I am happy to have your child in my Family Child Care Home.

    Our program gives you the convenience of keeping your baby at where they feel at home while they are able to learn all the things they learn in a preschool environment.

    Each day’s lesson plan is based on a regular daily schedule and includes Thinking and Talking, Learning by Doing, Crafts and Creations, and Songs and Games. Our curriculum includes teaching basic shapes and the alphabet.

    We also serve warm and healthy foods prepared from scratch and spend many hours playing outside through guided activities and free play. See the Daily Schedule section to learn more about our enriching program.
  • Pricing Options
    Full day rate: $88.89

    Children are welcome to attend for less than a day, but the rate will remain the same as the full day.

    Payment obligation is based on the hours you agree to use childcare, not on the actual hours of attendance. Payment is due if you agree to use certain blocks of time whether or not the child actually attends during those hours.
  • Daily Schedule
    A Typical Day in My Day Care

    A typical day starts with serving Break Fast and watching some of the educational program on TV while they are having their Break Fast.

    Breakfast is one of these foods on different days:
    Omelet, pancake, waffles, French toast and peanut butter or cheese sandwich.

    Since babies come at different time, we wait for everybody to come in and when toddlers are in we start the educational program as is scheduled monthly and each day is a different project as is explained in Our New Curriculum.

    After the project is done they get ready to go outside and enjoy themselves out there with running around and going up and down the slide and playing on swing and have fun together.

    We sometime have these outdoor activities like paint brushing and playing in the water when it is very hot, playing with the dough and sand and etc.

    After they are done with their outdoor activities, it is lunch time, so they will wash and get cleaned and ready to be served lunch.

    I serve hot meal (homemade) every day.

    Lunch consists of:
    One portion of meat (Turkey-chicken-beef-ham-and sausage)
    One portion of Carbohydrate (Pasta, rice, bread, potato....)
    One portion of vegetables like (peas, broccoli green beans or any green stuff I can feed them!)
    (I make good Persian Rice and that is how I can have them to eat lots of veggies without seeing it so they won't reject the veggies!!! : )

    After we make sure they have had enough food we clean them out again and get them ready to nap. They are served milk before nap time.
    There is a 2 hours nap time that after all that activity they really need.

    After nap time they will have some more juice or milk and snacks and get ready to get picked up.

    Snacks consist of:
    Healthy Crackers
    Cookies (not very sweet!)
    And all the other healthy stuff!
  • Frequently Asked Questions
    What is Our Curriculum?

    We are proud to introduce our New Curriculum to you that is going to be starting on Oct.2011
    This program gives you the convenience of keeping your baby at where they feel at home while they are able to learn all the things they learn in a preschool environment.

    Here is what our curriculum consists of:

    Our curriculum is a set of courses or a plan for a particular area of study. The curriculum is presented in a calendar format for easy reference, describing daily activities. At the top of each calendar page, you’ll find the theme of the week and the skills highlighted in the weeks unit. Each day’s lesson plan is based on a regular daily schedule and includes the following categories:
    • Thinking and talking. Task for language and conceptual development, usually conducted in large groups.
    • Learning by doing. Concrete experiences such as experiments and different projects such as making different objects out play dough as well as follow-up paper-and-pencil tasks and visual-perception exercises.
    • Crafts and creations. Art, crafts, kitchen creations, and constructions.
    • Songs and games. Popular songs, nursery rhymes, finger plays, and games as well as physical explorations, exercises, and activities to develop rhythm, coordination, and balance.

    A curriculum includes teaching basic shapes and the alphabet. There are a number of ways to teach these concepts like…
    • Goals for children’s development and learning;
    • Experiences through which they will achieve the goals;
    • Roles for staff and parents to help children to achieve these goals; and
    • Materials needed to support the implementation of a curriculum.

    The curriculum is important because it;
    • promotes young children's school readiness in the areas of language and cognitive development, early reading and mathematics skills, socio-emotional development, physical development, and approaches to learning;
    • is based on scientifically valid research and has standardized training procedures an
  • Policies
    Late Policy
    Occasional delays in picking up your child are to be expected. Regular delays will result in increased charges of $1.00 per minute over the contracted time.

    Pick-up and Visiting Policy
    Any and all parents are invited to visit their child at any time of the day, providing these rules are followed. The provider must have a phone call stating the time of arrival and length of stay. This is to insure the child being visited will be ready and away from all other day care children. Visiting parents are very disturbing to all other day care children. It is confusing for them, as they cannot tell time and begin to assume their will be arriving. I thank you in advance for your cooperation in this matter.

    Termination Policy
    Provider may terminate agreement with a 24-hour notice with cause. Causes includes, being child’s behavior such as biting, late payments, breach of contract, or other recurring events that are unable to be reconciled.
  • Things to Bring
    - Immunization records
    - PRINTED admission forms (In your profile, go to Reservations and click on the reservation to see forms.)
    - Diapers
    - Wipes
    - Change of clothes
    - Stuffed doll, binky, or comforting items, especially for naps
    - Breastmilk or formula for infants